Preach A Sermon

     These things have encouraged me a great deal and from the light God has given me, it is that canvassers' work is a very important work. When you enter the family, if you see any chance where you can help bring in a little wood, or if there is a pail empty, find where the water is and get the water. Do simple little errands and let them see that you want to be helpful. They will say, there is a kind man, he is courteous. You are preaching a sermon in that.    

     Again, there may be somebody sick there. You want to know how to use the common methods, the simple remedies of water. It is a simple power. Although my husband and I were not physicians, yet we were. We could go around when the doctors children were cut down, four and five in the families of physicians. We never lost a case. That is in diphtheria, and we used only the simple treatments. In doing this, we gained the confidence of the physicians. When persons would go to the physicians for help, they would say, "If anybody can help you, it is up there at Elder White's. He and his wife go around and help people, I don't know how they do it." It may be that God will send you to some such homes where help is needed for the sick. You can melt your way into the hearts of the worst souls and they be converted. 

SW, January 23, 1902