Lost Sheep



     Jesus tells of the shepherd searching in the wilderness for the straying sheep, and the divine joy in the heavenly courts as the sheep are found. The ninety and nine are left, and the search is conscientiously and determinedly and perseveringly carried on through hardships and difficulties until the lost is found; then no words of reproach are uttered, nothing but joy is expressed, and the sheep is safely, lovingly, and bodily carried back with songs of rejoicing. Every one of the neighbors is interestedly enlisted to express their joy, "I have found my sheep that was lost." Do those who profess to love Jesus want to be like God, doing his work in bringing back the wandering sheep? Shall we be sharers in the joy of the heavenly host and of Deity himself? Then let us individually embrace this opportunity, and go forth to seek and save that which was lost. Count not on the trouble, let not Satan magnify the difficulties. It will indeed be unpleasant and self-sacrificing. But will it not pay? Read the parable. The Son of the infinite God left the angels his high command in the heavenly courts, and came to this wilderness world, all seared and marred with the curse to save the one sheep strayed from the fold, the one fallen world. And how was he treated? Shamefully! O what indignity, what abuse was heaped upon the Shepherd seeking to find his sheep, and bring them back to the fold to their allegiance to God with rejoicing. Then let all who appreciate salvation go earnestly to work in Christ's lines and angels of God will go with you and divine power will combine with human effort and great success will be the result.   

     O we may recover the lost and perishing and restore souls saved to him who died for their recovery. Are we Christ's disciples? Has he not given us this parable to understand, to practice? Are we not, if true to our post, to go forth in earnest persevering personal effort to seek and save the lost sheep? Why in the light of this parable has there been so little done in this line? Why is there not contemplation and consideration upon this subject?                                                                               

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