Loving Tenderness



     Neglected duties confront us. Too often, instead of doing the work the Lord has given us, we have watched for defects in those whom, instead of criticizing, we ought to have helped. We have not worked faithfully. There are in our institutions untrained men and women. Jesus needs their service. With yearning tenderness he is inviting them to come to him, that he may use them as channels for the communication of his grace. But those whom he has appointed to co-operate with him in fitting these souls for service, have failed to manifest that loving tenderness which as Christians they should manifest for the young and the inexperienced. Not only do they themselves fail of following Jesus; they keep others from his side. How can the Lord bless them? Let us break the crust of selfishness that surrounds us. Let us not descend to bickering and strife, criticizing and condemning one another. Christ is ashamed to call those who do this his brethren.


RH, July 22, 1902